I have always looked at makeup as a tool that could help make people feel happy, beautiful & confident. That is where my love for makeup started. For nearly ten years  I have learned to master this beautiful art. Always maintained practice, education, and self-development to best suit my clients' needs. I have dedicated myself to my small business, which has grown into something I could have never imagined. I started with nothing but the desire to make people feel beautiful. I have envisioned bringing happiness to people through the power of makeup, and nothing feels more powerful than making someone feel beautiful and confident. Even after all this time, I have never lost my passion, I love to see how happy my clients are after each appointment. Make-up artistry is more than a business to me. This is about building genuine connections with my client. It’s about educating them & using makeup to help build confidence to make them feel & look more beautiful. That will always be my objective. I will continue to do this for as long as life permits me. I can continue to do this forever!

